
Monday, July 28, 2014

Lets go Camping

Good Morning Bloggers :)
I know I promised you a pie tutorial and I will get to it but it's been over 80 here..way too hot to play with clay so to keep busy I started on my camper that I wanted to build.  it's super easy to find "how to's" on pintrest *but you know me I always go off the beaten path plus I consider those just guideline and if I screw up..I screw biggie*  see below for the photos

 I couldn't get the white paint to open up so I used the yellow as a base coat if you want to build one of these for yourself I suggest you go to pintrest and look for tutorials..I didnt save it to my computer but it's in french the photos are pretty easy to follow.  (yes I know the windows on are a hot mess but I was watching TV when I cut them out ..I didn't measure twice and cut once as you can see)  Greg alway watchs TV when he works...that doesnt seem to work for me


As you can see it's in scale our lovely model Ms. Skelly can go in and out with ease (if she were real she'd be 5 feet tall anyone taller would have to lower their head to get in which is what happens when you buy a trailer unless you buy el gianto then you'd need a big truck to haul it)  I think that back wall with the windows is going away so everyone can see inside.  so that's it for now I'll show more photos as I progess and yes I'll do that tutorial when it cools down.

have a wonderful week


PS something strange is going on at my house..Claudette and Honey seem to be fighting over me for attention..they never did that before and when Baxter was here they just looked at us.  I wonder whats going on?

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