Hi Everyone,
I just wanted to show you some photos of the finished Laundry Room Bottles and a few photos of the Toy room, the reason I made the bottles was to fill an empty space on the shelf of the Toy Room. but with all the colors you dont even see them. oh well Im sure someone will notice them. take a peek below.

This is the start of the toy room, I think I did a good job cleaning up because the kids love to destroy it, some parents dont monitor their children so I get a lot of things broken or missing (actually stolen) but it's retail so what can you do? it's gonna happen and it happens all the time. I hope you enjoy the tour :)
Now at the back near the corner I put a few halloween costumes on the racks, then a few venders wanted to put things back there and now its full of clothes and there is a second rack of childrens clothes too cause it is a toy room. I think I'll put a sign up asking parents not to let their children play with the toys unless they intend to buy them. I hope it doesnt offend anyone but just last week someone broke a porcelain doll and just shoved it under one of the shelves. again it's retail that's going to happen.
below I finished two Monster High dolls, Clawdeen Wolf and Abby Abominable, Abby was 1.00 in a bag with another doll...one boil perm and shes back to normal. Clawdeen was found in the trash when one of the renters moved out across the street from the store (yes I dug through the trash because they threw away a doll house and I got it along with a few dolls) so I fixed up Clawdeen with some spare body parts I got from Amazon there is a tutorial on line about painting them to match the doll with paint and mod podge but I've had her 3 years so I might just keep her..dunno yet..
they say that when a kids parents own a store like the one Rich does the kids get used to having things sold and if they want to keep something they hold on to it but a lot of things go thats how I felt about Monster High Dolls, if I cant have a pullip then barbie, bratz monster high were the next best thing but I've got too many of them now I have to sell off a lot. oh well..
Im working on a dollhouse again I'll let you know how it turns out I have a few things to do before that, Rich wants me to make a space ship so Im doing that and then Im working on the Tower from the Disney Movie Tangled then the dollhouse.
Lilly says Hi and Claudette gives you a smile (the cat and the dog)
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